How Does The Team Trivia League Work?
- Sign up and your team will be provided with a League Number
- Each time you play give your League Number to your host before the game.
- Your top 15 scores for the Season will make up your Season score. Your lower scores drop off. Top 15-20 teams in each League Region at the end of the Season automatically go to Finals.
- Play as many times of the week you would like at any Team Trivia location.
- At the end of the season, Playoffs will commence (max 6 team members during playoffs).
- A percentage of lower ranked teams MAY be invited to a Wild Card Game if needed.
- Top teams from Wild Card Game if needed invited to Michigan Championship game.
- Top ranked teams from season plus Wild Card winners invited to the Michigan Championship game.
- Prizes for 1ST – 6TH places.
- Next Season to start shortly after first, same rules apply).
- Top teams from each season for the year will be invited!